The last sample button of this anyone can sing

The last sample button of this anyone can sing

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    The last sample button of this "anyone can sing" took place within the cycle "Marley's ship", a program where the popular entertainer calls everyone to compete, as long as they think they can do some interesting joke. Using $10,000 as a carrot, he manages to fish for an attentive shoal of characters, which fills an audiovisual product that is broadcast in prime time with content.

    Among the gallery of specimens that circulate in front of cameras and submit to the challenge proposed by Marley, last week one was the winner who, as soon as he crossed the exit door of Telefé, has used a tiktok video downloader uploaded to the web to go viral ( what today is synonymous with “achieving instant fame”). The aforementioned is a native of Haiti, but has been advertised as "El Morocho"; and his virtue consists in going out of tune without hesitation, in his search for an impossible falsetto that fails to please the ear but manages to arouse an immediate laugh.

    The cumbia “Fuera”, known in Karina's version, has been the springboard to success for this new media star, who pronounces “fuela” and barely manages to follow the melody. Those mistakes, which some time ago would have earned him the rejection of people, are the fundamental attraction of a sound act that will accompany our lives for the next few days... or minutes.
0 replies since 15/6/2022, 04:32   14 views